-- MySQL dump 10.10 -- -- Host: localhost Database: patent_esp -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.0.24a-community-nt-log /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Current Database: `patent_esp` -- CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `patent_esp` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci */; USE `patent_esp`; -- -- Table structure for table `update5` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `update5`; CREATE TABLE `update5` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtpubli` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `update5` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `update5` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `update5` WRITE; INSERT INTO `update5` VALUES ('X553691','2015-06-15'),('X553834','2015-06-15'),('X553867','2015-06-15'),('X553962','2015-06-15'),('X553973','2015-06-15'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `update5` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yabstract` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yabstract`; CREATE TABLE `yabstract` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `txtform` varchar(2000) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `abstract` varchar(2000) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yabstract` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yabstract` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yabstract` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yabstract` VALUES ('X553691 ','Leiutise objektiks on seade (müomeeter) ja meetod pehme bioloogilise koe mehaanilist pingeseisundit, elastsust, dünaamilist jäikust, roomavust ja mehaanilise pinge relaksatsiooniaega iseloomustavate parameetrite samaaegseks mõõtmiseks reaalajas. Müomeetri löökotsikuga tekitatakse uuritavale koele seadme asendist, gravitatsiooniväljast ja seadme kasutajast mittesõltuv konstantne väline mõjutus (eelsurve). Seejärel tekitatakse koele solenoidi konstantse elektrilise võimsuse üksikimpulsiga väline dünaamiline mõjutus, mis lõpeb kiire vabanemisega. Seade on varustatud valgus- ja helisignaali vahendiga, mis teavitab kasutajat vajaliku eelsurve saavutamisest ning mõõteseeria lõppemisest. Koe mehaanilise kuju muutus reaalajas ja koe mehaaniline vastus registreeritakse koe omavõnkumise graafikuna, mida kasutatakse parameetrite arvutamiseks. Leiutis võimaldab saavutada mõõtetulemuste head korduvust ja korratavust, teostada mõõtmisi ja andmetöötlust samaaegselt ning anda statistiliselt olulisi hinnanguid reaalajas.','A device and a method for simultaneous recording, in real time, of the parameters characterising the mechanical tension, elasticity, dynamical stiffness, creepability and mechanical stress of soft biological tissue is provided. By testing end of the myometer, a constant external pre-pressure is created, independently of the device\'s position, gravitational field and user, to the tissue under investigation. Next, the tissue is subjected to a short-term external dynamic influence. The mechanical change in the shape of the tissue and its mechanical response are registered as a graph of the tissue\'s oscillations. The graph is used for calculating the aforesaid parameters. Invention enables recording and data-processing to be carried out simultaneously as well as statistically significant estimates to be made in real time.'),('X553834 ','Käesoleva leiutisega pakutakse välja kuiva tuhaärastuse ja tuhalao kujundamise süsteem vähese tehnoloogilise veega piirkondades. Nimetatud süsteem kujutab endast tuha ladustamise laoplatsi (1), mille keskele on tuha transportimiseks ladustamisalale paigutatud kogu laoplatsi ladustamisala pikkuses horisontaalne suruõhutoru (17) ning tuha ladustamise laoplatsi (1) külgedele on paigutatud relssteed, mida mööda liiguvad kaabelkraanade tornid (23). Samuti on tuha ladustamise laoplatsi (1) silost (15) kaugemal olevale küljele paigutatud relsstee, mida mööda liigub kaabelkraana torn (23), ning tuha ladustamise laoplatsi (1) küljele, kus on silo (15), on paigutatud kaabelkraana torn (24). Nimetatud köisteede külge on rullteede ja traaversite abil kinnitatud suruõhk-kaldtoru, mis saab liikuda piki ja põiki üle kogu tuha ladustamise laoplatsi (1) ladustamisala.','The present invention discloses a dry ash disposal and ash storage forming system of low-tech water areas. Said system describes an ash disposal storage area (1) where horizontal compressed air pipe (17) is positioned in the center of the storage area along the entire length of the storage area to transport ash to the storage area. Rail roads along which the cable crane towers (23) move are placed on the sides of the ash disposal storage area. Rail road, along which the cable crane tower (23) moves, is placed to the farther side of the storage area silo (15) of the ash storage area. A cable crane tower (24) is placed on the side of the silo (15) of the ash storage area. The tilted compressed air pipe is attached to the cableway with rollers and traverses, and said pipe can move along and diagonally over the whole storage area.'),('X553867 ','Leiutis käsitleb kaamera objektiivi (1), mis sisaldab optilist süsteemi, mille optiline telg (To) on kaamera korpusega (2) ühendamiseks ette nähtud objektiivi (1) korpuse kinnitusosa (3) suhtes nihutatav (S1), kallutatav (S2) ja pööratav (S3). Objektiivi korpuse kinnitusosa (3) sisaldab kinnitusosaga (3) ühendatud ja kinnitusosa (3) suhtes lineaarselt nihutatavat (S1) objektiivi esimest korpuse osa (4), esimese korpuse osaga (4) ühendatud ja esimese korpuse osa suhtes pööratavat (S3) objektiivi, teist korpuse osa (5) ning teise korpuse osaga (5) ühendatud ja teise korpuse osa (5) suhtes kallutatavat (S2) objektiivi, kolmandat korpuse osa (6). Objektiivi (1) optiline süsteem asetseb objektiivi (1) neljandas korpuse osas (12), mis asub nihutatavalt (S4) objektiivi kolmanda korpuse osa (6) sees.','Present invention relates to a camera lens (1) comprising an optical system having an optical main axis (To), which is shiftable (S1), tiltable (S2) and rotatable (S3) in relation to the fixing part (3) of the lens housing provided for fixing the camera lens (1) to the camera body (2), where the fixing part (2) comprises the first lens body part (4) and which is connected to it and is shiftable (S1) linearly in relation to the fixing part (2), the second lens body part (5), which is connected to it and is rotatable (S3) in relation to the first lens body part (4), and the third lens body part (6), which is connected to it and is tiltable in relation to the second lens body part (5). The optical system of the camera lens (1) is housed in the fourth lens body part (12), which is movably (S4) housed in the third lens body part (6).'),('X553962 ','Leiutis käsitleb mikroorganismi tüve Lactobacillus gasseri MMC2 DSM 23882 ning selle kasutamist antioksüdantse proteolüütilise koostisosana toidutoote või toidulisandi valmistamiseks. Nimetatud mikroorganismi sisaldavad toidutooted ja toidulisandid on hüpoallergeensed, nende tarbimine vähendab piimaallergiat ja eesnäärme healoomulise suurenemisega kaasnevaid alumiste kuseteede ärritussümptomeid, nendega seotud oksüdatiivset stressi ja põletikku.','The present invention relates to a new microorganism strain Lactobacillus gasseri MCC2 DSM 23882 and its use as antioxidant proteolytic ingredient for the production of food products and dietary supplements. Food products and dietary supplements comprising L.gasseri MCC2 are hypoallergenic, reduce milk allergy and lower urinary tract irritation symptoms accompanying benign prostatic hyperplasia and oxidative stress and inflammation associated with these.'),('X553973 ','Käesoleva leiutise eesmärk on takistada lukukorpusega manipuleerimist. Leiutisekohane lukukorpus (1) sisaldab keret (3), otsaplaati (2) ja kaldlukukeelt (4). Kaldlukukeel on seatud liikuma lineaarselt läbi otsaplaadi ava (11) oma sisemise asendi ja väljaulatuva lukustusasendi vahel. Kaldlukukeele (4) saab veel seada väljaulatuvasse põhiasendisse, mille korral põhiasend asub nimetatud lineaarses liikumissuunas sisemise asendi ja lukustusasendi vahel. Kaldlukukeel (4) sisaldab tipuosa (4A) ja tagaosa (4B), kus tipuosa kinnitatakse tagaosa külge kinnituskruviga (5). Vähemalt ühel lukukorpuse (1) küljel (3A, 3B), on kinnituskruvi (5) kohal ava (7), kui kaldlukukeel (4) asub põhiasendis. Kaldlukukeel sisaldab veel süvendit (6) vähemalt ühel küljel. Süvend asub ava (7) kohal siis, kui kaldlukukeel on lukustusasendis.','The object of the invention is to prevent manipulation of the lock body. A lock body (1) according to the invention comprises a case (3), a face plate (2) and an oblique bolt (4). The oblique bolt is arranged to move linearly through the bolt hole (11) of the face plate between the inner position and the protruding locking position. The oblique bolt (4) can further be arranged into a protruding basic position, which is in a linear direction of movement between the inner position and the locking position. The oblique bolt (4) comprises a tip part (4A) and a rear part (4B), the tip part being attached to the rear part by an attachment screw (5). At least one side (3A, 3B) of the lock body (1) has a hole (7) at the site of the attachment screw (5), when the oblique bolt (4) is in the basic position. The oblique bolt further comprises a recess (6) on at least one side. The recess is at the site of the hole (7), when the bolt is in the locking position.'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yabstract` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yagent` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yagent`; CREATE TABLE `yagent` ( `idagent` int(3) NOT NULL, `ctagent` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `fnagent` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmagent` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adagent` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idagent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yagent` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yagent` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yagent` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yagent` VALUES (1,'Patendibüroo Ustervall OÜ','Arno','Anijalg','Kivi 21-6','Tartu','51009','EE'),(4,'Patendibüroo Ustervall OÜ','Sirje','Kahu','Kivi 21-6','Tartu','51009','EE'),(38,'Sarap ja Putk Patendibüroo','Margus','Sarap','Kompanii 1C','Tartu','51004','EE'),(44,'LASVET Patendibüroo OÜ','Jürgen','Toome','Suurtüki 4a','Tallinn','10133','EE'),(52,'Patendibüroo Käosaar & Co OÜ','Marit','Meinberg','Suur-Patarei 2','Tallinn','10415','EE'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yagent` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ybdata` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ybdata`; CREATE TABLE `ybdata` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `order` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ybdata` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ybdata` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ybdata` WRITE; INSERT INTO `ybdata` VALUES ('X553691 ',1),('X553834 ',1),('X553867 ',1),('X553973 ',1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ybdata` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yclass` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yclass`; CREATE TABLE `yclass` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtversion` char(6) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `ipcclass` varchar(15) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `symbpos` int(1) default NULL, `tyclassif` int(1) default NULL, `scclassif` int(1) default NULL, `odclass` int(3) default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yclass` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yclass` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yclass` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yclass` VALUES ('X553691','201201','A61B 5/103',1,1,1,1),('X553691','201201','G01N 3/38',2,1,1,2),('X553691','201201','G01N 33/483',2,1,1,3),('X553691','201201','A61B 5/103',1,1,1,1),('X553691','201201','G01N 3/38',2,1,1,2),('X553691','201201','G01N 33/483',2,1,1,3),('X553691','201201','A61B 5/103',1,1,1,1),('X553691','201201','G01N 3/38',2,1,1,2),('X553691','201201','G01N 33/483',2,1,1,3),('X553834','201401','B66F 9/07',1,1,1,1),('X553834','201401','B65G 51/00',2,1,1,2),('X553867','201301','G02B 7/02',1,1,1,1),('X553867','201301','G03B 5/00',1,1,1,2),('X553962','201501','C12N 1/20',1,1,1,1),('X553962','201501','C12R 1/225',2,1,1,2),('X553962','201501','A23C 9/123',2,1,1,3),('X553962','201501','A23C 9/133',2,1,1,4),('X553962','201501','A23C 21/02',2,1,1,5),('X553973','201501','E05B 63/04',1,1,1,1),('X553973','201501','E05B 63/20',2,1,1,2); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yclass` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yinvent` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yinvent`; CREATE TABLE `yinvent` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idinvent` int(11) NOT NULL, `odinvent` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`,`idinvent`), KEY `idappli` (`idappli`), KEY `idinvent` (`idinvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yinvent` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinvent` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yinvent` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yinvent` VALUES ('X553691 ',6142,1),('X553691 ',14425,4),('X553691 ',14426,3),('X553834 ',14161,1),('X553834 ',14162,2),('X553867 ',14221,1),('X553962 ',7540,2),('X553962 ',7541,1),('X553962 ',13294,12),('X553962 ',13295,9),('X553962 ',13298,6),('X553962 ',13667,5),('X553962 ',13960,3),('X553962 ',13961,4),('X553962 ',13962,7),('X553962 ',13963,8),('X553962 ',13964,10),('X553962 ',13965,11),('X553973 ',14417,1),('X553973 ',14418,2); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinvent` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yinventor` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yinventor`; CREATE TABLE `yinventor` ( `idinvent` int(11) NOT NULL, `fninventor` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `midninventor` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nminventor` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adinventor` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmstate` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idinvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yinventor` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinventor` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yinventor` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yinventor` VALUES (6142,'Arved','','Vain','Jaama 183-20','EE','Tartu','50705 ',''),(7540,'Mihkel','','Zilmer','Puusepa 37','EE','Tartu','50406 ',''),(7541,'Tiiu','','Kullisaar','Ropka 12A-45','EE','Tartu','50111 ',''),(13294,'Marika','','Mikelsaar','Jakobsoni 11-4','EE','Tartu','51005 ',''),(13295,'Merle','','Rätsep','Alasi 31-49','EE','Tartu','50109 ',''),(13298,'Kersti','','Zilmer','Puusepa 37','EE','Tartu','50406 ',''),(13667,'Epp','','Songisepp','Tähe 105-7','EE','Tartu','50107 ',''),(13960,'Ene','','Tammsaar','Sõpruse põik, Prillimäe','EE','Rapla maakond','79702 ',''),(13961,'Andre','','Veskioja','Tammemäe tee 1, Rosma küla, Põlva vald','EE','Põlva maakond','63221 ',''),(13962,'Lauri','','Bobrovski','Väinjärve küla, Koeru vald','EE','Järva maakond','73021 ',''),(13963,'Kersti','','Ehrlich','Pargi 2-1','EE','Tartu','50103 ',''),(13964,'Margus','','Punab','Hiie 30','EE','Tartu','51006 ',''),(13965,'Maire','','Vasar','J. Hurda 27','EE','Tartu','51005 ',''),(14161,'Vladimir','','Gusarov','Ancis Dauman 9-60','EE','Narva','20607 ',''),(14162,'Alexey','','Fedulov','Ancis Dauman 4-73','EE','Narva','20604 ',''),(14221,'Vanda','','Purik-Järvinen','Paasiku 14-44','EE','Tallinn','13916 ',''),(14417,'Lauri','','Kojola','Urheilutie 25','FI','Nousiainen','FI-21270 ',''),(14418,'Toni','','Kivilähde','Hakametsäntie 10 A','FI','Salo','FI-24280 ',''),(14425,'Mart','','Liik','Artec Design OÜ, Akadeemia tee 21/1','EE','Tallinn','12618 ',''),(14426,'Aleko','','Peipsi','Lõõtsa 8A','EE','Tallinn','11415 ',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinventor` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yown` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yown`; CREATE TABLE `yown` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idowner` int(12) NOT NULL, `odowner` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`,`idowner`), KEY `idappli` (`idappli`), KEY `idowner` (`idowner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yown` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yown` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yown` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yown` VALUES ('X553691 ',3564,2),('X553834 ',3379,1),('X553867 ',3438,1),('X553962 ',2796,1),('X553973 ',3355,1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yown` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yowner` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yowner`; CREATE TABLE `yowner` ( `idowner` int(12) NOT NULL, `ntincorp` int(11) NOT NULL, `fnowner` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `midnowner` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmowner` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `orgname` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adowner` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmstate` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idowner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yowner` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yowner` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yowner` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yowner` VALUES (2796,2,'','','','OÜ Tervisliku Piima Biotehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus','Kreutzwaldi 1','EE','Tartu','51014',''),(3355,2,'','','','Abloy Oy','Wahlforssinkatu 20','FI','Joensuu','FI-80100',''),(3379,2,'','','','Eesti Energia Tehnoloogiatööstus AS','Tiigi 6','EE','Narva','20104',''),(3438,1,'Vanda','','Purik-Järvinen','','Paasiku 14-44','EE','Tallinn','13916',''),(3564,2,'','','','AS Myoton','Lõõtsa 8A, A-entrance','EE','Tallinn','11415',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yowner` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ypct` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ypct`; CREATE TABLE `ypct` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `orictry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nopctep` varchar(13) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `intctry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nopubli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `dtpctpubli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ypct` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypct` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ypct` WRITE; INSERT INTO `ypct` VALUES ('X553973 ','FI','2013/05098','WO','2014/68177','20140508'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypct` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ypriority` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ypriority`; CREATE TABLE `ypriority` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `noprio` varchar(15) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `dtprio` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `odpriority` int(3) default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ypriority` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypriority` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ypriority` WRITE; INSERT INTO `ypriority` VALUES ('X553962','EE','P201100012','20110225',1),('X553973','FI','20126131','20121031',1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypriority` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yptappli` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yptappli`; CREATE TABLE `yptappli` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `doc-id` varchar(20) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `doc-number-pub` int(12) NOT NULL, `doc-idp` varchar(20) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `doc-number-pubp` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `kind` int(2) NOT NULL, `dtpubli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `extidappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtappli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `title` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `engtitle` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idagent` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yptappli` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yptappli` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yptappli` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yptappli` VALUES ('X553691 ','EE201000094',201000094,'EE05601','05601',13,'20150615','P201000094 ','20101231','Seade ja meetod pehme bioloogilise koe mehaanilise pingeseisundi, elastsuse, dünaamilise jäikuse, roomavuse ja mehaanilise pinge relaksatsiooniaega iseloomustavate parameetrite samaaegseks mõõtmiseks reaalajas ning arvutiprogrammi produkt','Device and method for simultaneous real-time measurement of parameters of state of mechanical stress, elasticity, dynamic stiffness, creepability and relaxation time of mechanical stress of soft biological tissue and a computer program product',1),('X553834 ','EE201200021',201200021,'EE05749','05749',2,'20150615','P201200021 ','20121105','Kuiva tuhaärastuse ja tuhalao kujundamise süsteem','Dry ash disposal and the ash storage forming system',38),('X553867 ','EE201300021',201300021,'EE05751','05751',2,'20150615','P201300021 ','20130604','Kaamera objektiiv','Camera lens',44),('X553962 ','EE201500006',201500006,'EE05750','05750',2,'20150615','P201500006 ','20110225','Isoleeritud mikroorganismi tüvi Lactobacillus gasseri MCC2 DSM 23882 ning selle kasutamine','Isolated microorganism strain Lactobacillus gasseri MCC2 DSM 23882 and its use',4),('X553973 ','EE201500015',201500015,'','',1,'20150615','P201500015 ','20131014','Lukukorpus','Lock body',52); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yptappli` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Dumping routines for database 'patent_esp' -- DELIMITER ;; DELIMITER ; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;