-- MySQL dump 10.10 -- -- Host: localhost Database: patent_esp -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.0.24a-community-nt-log /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Current Database: `patent_esp` -- CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `patent_esp` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci */; USE `patent_esp`; -- -- Table structure for table `update5` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `update5`; CREATE TABLE `update5` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtpubli` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `update5` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `update5` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `update5` WRITE; INSERT INTO `update5` VALUES ('X2374','2015-07-15'),('X2416','2015-07-15'),('X2430','2015-07-15'),('X2431','2015-07-15'),('X2438','2015-07-15'),('X2439','2015-07-15'),('X2443','2015-07-15'),('X2461','2015-07-15'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `update5` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yabstract` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yabstract`; CREATE TABLE `yabstract` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `txtform` varchar(2000) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `abstract` varchar(2000) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yabstract` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yabstract` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yabstract` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yabstract` VALUES ('X2374 ','Astangu taastamise ja kindlustamise meetod sisaldab taastamisele kuuluva astangu pinna puhastamist ja süvendi rajamist. Süvendi põhi täidetakse mineraalpinnasega ja tihendatakse tugiseina aluseks. Astangu jalamile paigutatakse dreenivast mineraalpinnasest pöördfilter, mis on ümbritsetud dreeniva geotekstiilist kangaga. Taandunud astangu pinnale paigaldatakse geovõrk, mis ankurdatakse tõmbevantidega astangu pinnasesse. Horisontaalse pöördfiltri peale rajatakse jäik tugi, näiteks raudbetoonist rostvärk, mille alla paigutatakse kaldvaiad. Seejärel rajatakse tugisein, mis sisaldab tihendatud pinnasega täidetud kihte, mis on ümbritsetud dreeniva geotekstiilist kangaga. Tugisein kaetakse erosioonitõkkemattidega, mis ankurdatakse tugiseina pinnasekihtide dreeniva geotekstiilist kanga külge. Astangu eend kaetakse suurte graniitrahnude või betoonist elementidega.','Method for remediation and reinforcement of a slope comprises refining the surface of the slope needed to restore, and founding of a pit (an excavation). A bottom of the pit is filled with mineral soil and compacted as a basement of retaining wall. A protective filter made of draining mineral soil is installed on the foothill of the slope, where the protective filter is surrounded by draining geotextile fabric. A geogrid is placed to the removed surface of the slope which is anchored by tensile ropes into surface of the slope. A rigid support, for example crib (grillage), is established on the protective filter and the batter piles are drilled under the the rigid support. Then the retaining wall is constructed and the retaining wall comprises the layers of sealed soil and the layers are surrounded by draining geotextile fabric. The retaining wall is covered by erosion control mats, anchored to geotextile fabric of the layers of the retaining wall. The slope protrusion is covered by granite lumps or concrete elements.'),('X2416 ','Leiutis käsitleb meetodit soojustatud välisseinapaneeli valmistamiseks soonte ja hammastusega vahtpolüstüreenplokkidest (9), mis koosnevad üksteisest eemal paiknevast sisekihist (3) ja väliskihist (1), mis on omavahel ühendatud jäiga plastikust redel-fiksaatori abil, mille kohaselt moodustatakse akende ja uste avad, sisekihi (3) ja väliskihi (1) vahele valatakse betoonikiht (2), mis armeeritakse vähemalt ühekihilise armatuuriga (5), enne betoonikihi valamist ääristatakse akende ja uste avad puidust prussiga (4). Uus on see, et välisseinapaneel valmistatakse tehases 8-15° kalde all olevatel vertikaalsetel valulaudadel vahtpolüstüreenplokkide (9) ladumisel üksteise kõrvale ja peale.','The invention relates to a method of manufacturing an insulated outer wall panel using expanded polystyrene blocks (9) with grooves and toothing that consist of separately positioned inner layer (3) and outer layer (1) that are joined by a rigid plastic ladder-retainer, according to which openings are formed for doors and windows, a concrete layer (2) reinforced with at least one-layered armoring mesh (5) is cast between the inner layer (3) and outer layer (1), whereas the doors and window openings are lined with wooden balks (4) before casting. The novelty lies in the outer wall panel being manufactured in a factory on vertical casting tables angled at 8-15° by laying the expanded polystyrene blocks (9) side-by-side and on top of each other.'),('X2430 ','Käesolev leiutis hõlmab meetodit hoonest väljuva ventilatsiooniõhu jääksoojuse astmeliselt tagastamiseks. Käesolevas leiutisekohases lahenduses kasutatakse ventilatsiooniõhust soojustagastuseks ühe suure võimsusega õhk-vesi-soojuspumba asemel mitut väiksema võimsusega õhk-vesi-soojuspumpa, kusjuures iga õhk-vesi-soojuspump paigutatakse omaette soojusammutuskambrisse ning õhk suunatakse järjestikku läbi kõigi kambrite.','Present invention relates to a method for exhaust heat gradual recovery from the exhaust ventilation air of the building. According to the invention instead of one high capacity air-to-water heat pump multiple smaller capacity air-to-water heat pumps are used, whereas each air-to-water heat pump is placed to a separate heat recovery chamber and air is directed in series through all the chambers.'),('X2431 ','Leiutis käsitleb elektrilist massaažiharja, mis sisaldab korpust (1), toiteallikat (6), piisid (13), elektroonikaplokki (3), ühendusklemme (12a, 12b) elektroonikaploki (3) väljundis elektriliseks ühendamiseks massaažiharja piidega (13) ja üldelektroodiga (2). Uudne on see, et iga pii (13) ja ühendusklemmi (12a) vahele on ühendatud voolu piirav takisti (14).','The invention relates to an electrical massage brush that consists of body (1), power source (6), teeth (13), electronics block (3), contact terminals (12a, 12b) at the output of the electronics block (3) for an electric connection with the teeth (13) of the massage comb and the main electrode (2). Novelty lies in a current limiting resistor (14) connected between each tooth (13) and contact terminal (12a).'),('X2438 ','Varustus kokkupandava telgi moodustamiseks autohaagisele sisaldab kahte polükarbonaatplaadist kolmnurkset külgseina (1), mis paigutatakse autohaagise mõlemale küljele veokasti ülaserva ja avatud kattekaane vahele, ning kahte esiseina (2), millest sisemine on valmistatud sääsevõrgust ja välimine vihmakindlast kangast. Kõik seinad kinnitatakse autohaagise külge koormakummidega (3a, 3b, 3c) ning selliselt moodustub ööbimiseks sobilik haagistelk.','The kit for forming a foldable tent to a vehicle trailer comprises two triangular side walls (1), made of polycarbonate panels and to be placed on both sides of the vehicle trailer, between the upper edge of the cargo box and the opened trailer cover. There are two front walls (2), the inner of which is made of mosquito net and the outer one is made of rain-proof fabric. All walls are fixed to the vehicle trailer by elastic load bands (3a, 3b, 3c), and in this way a trailer tent is formed, suitable for overnight stay.'),('X2439 ','Kasuliku mudeli objektiks on seade soojuse vastuvõtmiseks kütteseadmelt, eelkõige tulekoldest, ja selle edastamiseks ruumi. Turbiiniga ja läbivoolukanaliga seade kütteseadmelt soojuse vastuvõtmiseks sisaldab ümbrisele 2 kinnitatud katte 6 all olevat elektriliselt käitatavat turbiini 3. Seade on lisaks sellele varustatud termostaadiga, mis sisaldab regulaatorit 5 ja mõõtepeataolist termoandurit 4, mis on teineteisega ühendatud kapillaartoru abil, samal ajal moodustavad kütteseadme ümbris 2 ja tagasein 1 kütteseadme tagaseinaga paralleelse läbivoolukanali, ja turbiini kattes 6 on avaused 7 ja 8.','The subject-matter of the utility model is a device for receiving heat from a heating unit, particularly a fireplace, and transferring it into a room. The device for receiving heat from a heating unit by a turbine and a flow-through conduit comprises an electrically propelled turbine 3 in a cover 6 mounted on its casing 2. The device is moreover equipped with a thermostat, which includes a regulator 5 and a temperature sensor 4 in the form of a head, connected by each other by a capillary, at the same time the casing 2 and the back wall 1 of the heating unit constitute a flow-through conduit parallel to the back wall of the heating unit, and the cover 6 of the turbine has openings 7 and 8.'),('X2443 ','Leiutis käsitleb vaakumkinnitusvahendit, mis sisaldab kettakujulise pinnaga kellukesekujulist iminappa (1), selle peal paiknevat jäigast plastist kumerat surveplaati (2), surveplaati (2) selle keskosas läbivat varrast (3), mille alumisse otsa on kinnitatud iminapp (1) ja ülemisse otsa montaažisõlm (4), ja vaakumriba (5) geel-tüüpi elastomeersest materjalist. Uudne on see, et iminapa (1) alla on paigutatud geel-tüüpi elastomeerne vaakumriba (5) kogu iminapa (1) pinna ulatuses ja elastomeerse materjali tugevus Shore\'i (A) järgi on rohkem kui 18.','The invention relates to a vacuum fastener that comprises a bell-shaped suction cup (1) with disk-shaped surface, and on top of it a convex pressure plate (2) of rigid plastic, a rod (3) crossing through the middle point of pressure plate (2) with the suction cup (1) attached to its one end and assembly unit (4) to the other, and vacuum strip (5) made of gel-type elastomeric material. Novelty lies in the gel-type elastomeric vacuum strip (5) being placed under the vacuum strip (5) to cover its entire surface, and Shore hardness (A) of gel-type elastomeric material is more than 18.'),('X2461 ','Käesoleva leiutise eesmärgiks on minimeerida ekstraktitilkade tekitajat fluidik-mikrokiibile ning parendada erineva suurusega tilkade juhtimist fluidik-mikrokiibile. Leiutise kohane ekstraktitilkade tekitaja fluidik-mikrokiibile hõlmab ekstraktorit (1), mis on ühendatud elastse toru (2) abil mikropumbaga (3), mille väljundotsaga on ühendatud elastne väljundtoru (4) ja kvartskapillaar (5). Mikropumbaks (3), millega on tagatud ekstraktitilga liikumine fluidik-mikrokiibile läbi kvartskapillaari (5), on piesoelektriline või peristaltiline mikropump.','The aim of the present invention is to minimize the size of the extract droplet generator for a digital microfluidic chip and to improve the manipulation of droplets of different size on the surface of the digital microfluidic chip. The present invention - droplet generator for digital microfluidic chip consists of extractor (1) that is connected by elastic incoming tube (2) with the micropump (3) followed by outgoing elastic tube (4) and fused silica capillary (5). The piezo- or peristaltic micropump (3) is used to ensure extract droplet movement through the capillary (5) to the digital microfluidic chip.'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yabstract` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yagent` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yagent`; CREATE TABLE `yagent` ( `idagent` int(3) NOT NULL, `ctagent` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `fnagent` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmagent` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adagent` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idagent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yagent` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yagent` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yagent` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yagent` VALUES (37,'Patendibüroo Turvaja OÜ','Riho','Pikkor','Liivalaia 22','Tallinn','10118','EE'),(41,'Patendi- & Kaubamärgibüroo Koitel OÜ','Raivo','Koitel','Tartu mnt 65','Tallinn','10115',''),(46,'LASVET Patendibüroo OÜ','Jürgen','Toome','Suurtüki 4a','Tallinn','10133','EE'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yagent` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ybdata` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ybdata`; CREATE TABLE `ybdata` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `order` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ybdata` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ybdata` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ybdata` WRITE; INSERT INTO `ybdata` VALUES ('X2374 ',1),('X2416 ',1),('X2430 ',1),('X2431 ',1),('X2438 ',1),('X2439 ',1),('X2443 ',1),('X2461 ',1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ybdata` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yclass` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yclass`; CREATE TABLE `yclass` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtversion` char(6) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `ipcclass` varchar(15) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `symbpos` int(1) default NULL, `tyclassif` int(1) default NULL, `scclassif` int(1) default NULL, `odclass` int(3) default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yclass` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yclass` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yclass` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yclass` VALUES ('X2374','201501','E02D 29/02',1,1,1,1),('X2374','201501','E02D 17/20',2,1,1,2),('X2374','201501','E02B 3/04',2,1,1,3),('X2374','201501','E02D 27/50',2,1,1,4),('X2416','201501','B32B 13/00',1,1,1,1),('X2416','201501','B32B 5/18',2,1,1,2),('X2416','201501','B32B 7/00',2,1,1,3),('X2416','201501','E04C 1/41',2,1,1,4),('X2416','201501','E04B 2/26',2,1,1,5),('X2430','201501','F24F 12/00',1,1,1,1),('X2430','201501','F25B 1/10',2,1,1,2),('X2430','201501','F24F 3/14',2,1,1,3),('X2430','201501','F28F 9/26',2,1,1,4),('X2431','201501','A46B 13/02',1,1,1,1),('X2431','201501','A61H 23/02',2,1,1,2),('X2431','201501','A61H 7/00',2,1,1,3),('X2431','201501','A61N 1/26',2,1,1,4),('X2438','201501','E04H 15/06',1,1,1,1),('X2438','201501','B60P 3/355',2,1,1,2),('X2438','201501','B62D 63/08',2,1,1,3),('X2439','201501','F24H 3/12',1,1,1,1),('X2443','201501','F16B 47/00',1,1,1,1),('X2461','201501','B81B 7/00',1,1,1,1),('X2461','201501','G01N 27/447',2,1,1,2); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yclass` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yinvent` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yinvent`; CREATE TABLE `yinvent` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idinvent` int(11) NOT NULL, `odinvent` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`,`idinvent`), KEY `idappli` (`idappli`), KEY `idinvent` (`idinvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yinvent` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinvent` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yinvent` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yinvent` VALUES ('X2374 ',1417,1),('X2416 ',2235,1),('X2430 ',2058,2),('X2431 ',2251,1),('X2438 ',2259,1),('X2439 ',2260,1),('X2443 ',2264,1),('X2461 ',2289,1),('X2461 ',2290,2),('X2461 ',2291,3),('X2461 ',2292,4); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinvent` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yinventor` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yinventor`; CREATE TABLE `yinventor` ( `idinvent` int(11) NOT NULL, `fninventor` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `midninventor` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nminventor` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adinventor` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmstate` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idinvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yinventor` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinventor` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yinventor` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yinventor` VALUES (1417,'Arvu','','Mägi','Kivila 34-74','EE','Tallinn','13918 ',''),(2058,'Alari','','Sarv','Tuule tee 36','EE','Tallinn','12111 ',''),(2235,'Jaanus','','Jürisson','Rangu 10','EE','Tallinn','13522 ',''),(2251,'Ivan','','Naumets','Võru 12-8','EE','Tallinn','13612 ',''),(2259,'Olev','','Leesmend','Kuuni talu, Pärsti küla, Viljandi vald','EE','Viljandi maakond','71118 ',''),(2260,'Marek','','Bal','ul. Gombrowicza 4','PL','Wsola, 26-660 Jedlinsk','',''),(2264,'Vadim','','Ivanov','Helme 16-46','EE','Tallinn','10614 ',''),(2289,'Jelena','','Gorbatšova','Akadeemia tee 15','EE','Tallinn','12618 ',''),(2290,'Merike','','Vaher','Akadeemia tee 15','EE','Tallinn','12618 ',''),(2291,'Maria','','Kuhtinskaja','Akadeemia tee 15','EE','Tallinn','12618 ',''),(2292,'Mihkel','','Kaljurand','Akadeemia tee 15','EE','Tallinn','12618 ',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinventor` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yown` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yown`; CREATE TABLE `yown` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idowner` int(12) NOT NULL, `odowner` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`,`idowner`), KEY `idappli` (`idappli`), KEY `idowner` (`idowner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yown` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yown` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yown` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yown` VALUES ('X2374 ',985,1),('X2416 ',1645,1),('X2430 ',1502,2),('X2431 ',1660,1),('X2438 ',1670,1),('X2439 ',1673,1),('X2443 ',1676,1),('X2461 ',266,1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yown` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yowner` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yowner`; CREATE TABLE `yowner` ( `idowner` int(12) NOT NULL, `ntincorp` int(11) NOT NULL, `fnowner` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `midnowner` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmowner` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `orgname` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adowner` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmstate` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idowner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yowner` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yowner` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yowner` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yowner` VALUES (266,2,'','','','Tallinna Tehnikaülikool','Ehitajate tee 5','EE','Tallinn','19086',''),(985,2,'','','','AS Amhold','Endla 45A/Tulika 31','EE','Tallinn','10615',''),(1502,1,'Alari','','Sarv','','Tuule tee 36','EE','Tallinn','12111',''),(1645,2,'','','','Innoelement OÜ','Pärnu mnt 160a','EE','Tallinn','11317',''),(1660,1,'Ivan','','Naumets','','Võru 12-8','EE','Tallinn','13612',''),(1670,1,'Kristel','','Leesmend','','Vikerkaare 32','EE','Tartu','51006',''),(1673,2,'','','','\"KRATKI. PL\" Marek Bal','ul. Gombrowicza 4','PL','Wsola, 26-660 Jedlinsk','',''),(1676,2,'','','','Tatkraft OÜ','Pärnu mnt 142','EE','Tallinn','11317',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yowner` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ypct` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ypct`; CREATE TABLE `ypct` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `orictry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nopctep` varchar(13) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `intctry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nopubli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `dtpctpubli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ypct` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypct` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ypct` WRITE; UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypct` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ypriority` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ypriority`; CREATE TABLE `ypriority` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `noprio` varchar(15) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `dtprio` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `odpriority` int(3) default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ypriority` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypriority` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ypriority` WRITE; INSERT INTO `ypriority` VALUES ('X2439','PL','W.122777','20140206',1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypriority` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yptappli` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yptappli`; CREATE TABLE `yptappli` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `doc-id` varchar(20) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `doc-number-pub` int(12) NOT NULL, `doc-idp` varchar(20) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `doc-number-pubp` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `kind` int(2) NOT NULL, `dtpubli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `extidappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtappli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `title` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `engtitle` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idagent` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yptappli` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yptappli` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yptappli` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yptappli` VALUES ('X2374 ','EE201300097',201300097,'EE01304','01304',1,'20150715','U201300097 ','20131210','Meetod astangu taastamiseks ja kindlustamiseks ning astangul paikneva tehiskoormuse toestamiseks','Method for remediation and reinforcement of a slope and supporting of an artifical loading on a slope',41),('X2416 ','EE201400035',201400035,'EE01302','01302',1,'20150715','U201400035 ','20140512','Meetod välisseinapaneeli valmistamiseks soonte ja hammastusega vahtpolüstüreenplokkidest','Method of manufacturing an insulated outer wall panel using expanded polystyrene blocks with grooves and toothing',37),('X2430 ','EE201400045',201400045,'EE01307','01307',1,'20150715','U201400045 ','20140617','Meetod hoonest väljuva ventilatsiooniõhu jääksoojuse astmeliselt tagastamiseks','Method for exhaust heat gradual recovery from the exhaust ventilation air of the building',46),('X2431 ','EE201400046',201400046,'EE01301','01301',1,'20150715','U201400046 ','20140620','Elektriline massaažihari','An electrical massage brush',37),('X2438 ','EE201400053',201400053,'EE01305','01305',1,'20150715','U201400053 ','20140825','Varustus kokkupandava telgi moodustamiseks autohaagisele','The kit for forming a foldable tent to a vehicle trailer',0),('X2439 ','EE201400054',201400054,'EE01308','01308',1,'20150715','U201400054 ','20140901','Seade kütteseadmest soojuse vastuvõtmiseks','Device for receiving heat from a heating unit',46),('X2443 ','EE201400058',201400058,'EE01306','01306',1,'20150715','U201400058 ','20140911','Vaakumkinnitusvahend','Vacuum fastener',37),('X2461 ','EE201400076',201400076,'EE01303','01303',1,'20150715','U201400076 ','20141128','Ekstraktitilkade tekitaja fluidik-mikrokiibile','Droplet generator for a digital microfluidic chip',0); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yptappli` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Dumping routines for database 'patent_esp' -- DELIMITER ;; DELIMITER ; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;