-- MySQL dump 10.10 -- -- Host: localhost Database: patent_esp -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.0.24a-community-nt-log /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Current Database: `patent_esp` -- CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `patent_esp` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci */; USE `patent_esp`; -- -- Table structure for table `update5` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `update5`; CREATE TABLE `update5` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtpubli` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `update5` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `update5` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `update5` WRITE; INSERT INTO `update5` VALUES ('X553906','2016-05-16'),('X553931','2016-05-16'),('X553937','2016-05-16'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `update5` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yabstract` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yabstract`; CREATE TABLE `yabstract` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `txtform` varchar(2000) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `abstract` varchar(2000) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yabstract` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yabstract` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yabstract` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yabstract` VALUES ('X553906 ','Leiutis kuulub materjalide uurimise ja analüüsimise valdkonda, täpsemalt liha mehaaniliste omaduste määramise meetodite hulka ning on kasutatav liha õrnuse määramisel. Gravitatsioonilise impulssmeetodi iseloomulik tunnus on see, et liha proovitükk lõigatakse läbi ^-kujulise lõiketera vabal langemisel liha proovitükile. Lõikamise protsessi käigus liha proovitüki läbimisel väheneb ^-kujulise lõiketera kiirus liha, sealhulgas veiseliha mehaanilistest omadustest lähtuvalt, sealhulgas sitkusest tulenevate takistusjõudude mõjudes lõiketerale. Lõikamise protsessi lõppedes mõõdetakse jõuanduriga lõiketera jääkjõudu ja selle mõju kestust, kusjuures fikseeritakse jääkjõu mõju lõpp ja algus, mis registreeritakse andmesalvesti (arvuti) poolt. Saadud andmete põhjal arvutatakse impulss ja lõikeenergia.','The invention belongs to the field of material research and analysis, in particular, to the methods for estimation the mechanical traits of meat, and it can be used for estimation of the tenderness of meat. A characteristic trait of the gravitational impulse method is that a sample segment of meat is cut through with a ^-shaped shear blade at its free-fall to the sample meat piece. In the cutting process, the speed of the ^-shaped shear blade, passing through the meat segment, decreases due to the mechanic traits of meat, including the impact of toughness-deduced resistance force on the shear blade. At the end of the cutting process, the residual force of the shear blade as well as the durability of its impact are measured by a force transducer; thereby the end and start of the residual force impact are fixed, being registered by a data recorder (computer). On the basis of this data impulse and shear energy are measured.'),('X553931 ','Käesolev leiutis pakub pneumotööriista aktiivse kiirliitmiku. Kiirliitmiku korpus sisaldab standardsete kiirliitmikega mehaaniliselt ühilduvaid liitmikke, trükkplaadile paigutatud elektroonikalülitust, millesse on integreeritud pneumotööriista töörežiime, sealhulgas töötamise koguaega ja osaaegu, töötamise sagedust, tarbitava õhuvoolu kogust ja õhuvoolu intensiivsust ning muid parameetreid mõõtev andur. Elektroonikalülitus sisaldab samuti protsessori lülitust ja transiiveri lülitust. Kiirliitmikku on integreeritud elektroonikalülituse tööks vajalik toiteallikas. Kiirliitmikul on LED- indikaator.','Present invention provides active quick release coupling for pneumatic tool. Casing of the quick release coupling comprises couplings, compatible with standard quick release couplings, an electronic circuit mounted on printed circuit board, where is integrated a sensor measuring operating modes of the pneumatic tool, including measuring of overall time and part time of operating, operating frequency, amount of consumed air, air flow intensity, and other parameters. Electronic circuit also comprises a processor and transceiver circuit. Quick release coupling has an integrated power supply necessary for operation of integrated electronic circuit. Quick release coupling has LED indicator.'),('X553937 ','Käesolev leiutis kuulub ehituse valdkonda ja pakub seadme pindade ühendus- või vahekohtadesse kantava viskoosse ehitusmaterjali silumiseks. Seade koosneb alusest, mis on kinnitatud silikooni või hermeetikuga või sarnase viskoosse materjaliga täidetud tuubi otsiku külge kas keermega või muul tehnika tasemest tuntud viisil. Aluse külge on aluse suhtes reguleeritavalt kinnitatud liugvarras ja liugvarda külge on kinnitatud vahetatav, näiteks silikoonist, silumispadi materjali silumiseks. Silumispadi on liugvardaga ühendatud nii, et silumispadjale saab leida vajaliku koha liugvardal fikseeritavate asenditega. Silumispadjal on süvend üleliigse materjali kogumiseks silumisoperatsiooni ajal. Süvend on silumispadja tagasuunas laienev, silumispadja süvendi esiosas on väljaulatuv sopistus.','This invention is in the field of construction, and offers a device for smoothing of viscous building material applied to joint regions or gaps of surfaces. The device comprises a base that is attached to the nozzle of a tube filled with a viscous material like silicone or sealant or the like, either by thread or otherwise known in the art. To the base is attached an adjustable sliding rod and to the sliding rod is attached an exchangeable smoothing pad of material such as silicon for smoothing of the material. Smoothing pad is connected to the sliding rod so as to find the required position to the smoothing pad on the sliding rod by fixed positions. The smoothing rod has a cavity for collecting excess material during smoothing operation. The cavity is widening towards rear direction of the smoothing pad, there is a protruding in the front part of the smoothing pad cavity.'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yabstract` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yagent` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yagent`; CREATE TABLE `yagent` ( `idagent` int(3) NOT NULL, `ctagent` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `fnagent` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmagent` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adagent` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idagent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yagent` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yagent` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yagent` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yagent` VALUES (36,'AAA Patendibüroo OÜ','Tõnu','Nelsas','Tartu mnt 16','Tallinn','10117',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yagent` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ybdata` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ybdata`; CREATE TABLE `ybdata` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `order` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ybdata` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ybdata` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ybdata` WRITE; INSERT INTO `ybdata` VALUES ('X553906 ',1),('X553931 ',1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ybdata` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yclass` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yclass`; CREATE TABLE `yclass` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtversion` char(6) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `ipcclass` varchar(15) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `symbpos` int(1) default NULL, `tyclassif` int(1) default NULL, `scclassif` int(1) default NULL, `odclass` int(3) default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yclass` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yclass` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yclass` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yclass` VALUES ('X553906','201601','A22B 5/00',1,1,1,1),('X553906','201601','G01N 21/00',1,1,1,2),('X553931','201501','F16L 37/00',1,1,1,1),('X553931','201501','G08C 17/02',2,1,1,2),('X553937','201601','B05C 17/005',1,1,1,1),('X553937','201601','E04F 21/165',2,1,1,2); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yclass` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yinvent` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yinvent`; CREATE TABLE `yinvent` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idinvent` int(11) NOT NULL, `odinvent` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`,`idinvent`), KEY `idappli` (`idappli`), KEY `idinvent` (`idinvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yinvent` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinvent` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yinvent` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yinvent` VALUES ('X553906 ',13746,3),('X553906 ',14109,1),('X553906 ',14110,2),('X553906 ',14121,4),('X553906 ',14309,5),('X553906 ',14310,6),('X553906 ',14311,7),('X553906 ',14312,8),('X553906 ',14313,9),('X553931 ',14348,1),('X553937 ',14362,1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinvent` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yinventor` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yinventor`; CREATE TABLE `yinventor` ( `idinvent` int(11) NOT NULL, `fninventor` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `midninventor` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nminventor` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adinventor` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmstate` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idinvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yinventor` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinventor` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yinventor` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yinventor` VALUES (13746,'Urmas','','Sannik','Vaablase 14-1','EE','Tallinn','12916',''),(14109,'Väino','','Poikalainen','Aretuse 1-4, Märja, Tähtvere vald','EE','Tartu maakond','61406',''),(14110,'Lembit','','Lepasalu','Pilve 11-4, Märja, Tähtvere vald','EE','Tartu maakond','61406',''),(14121,'Jüri','','Olt','Keskasula 21, Kuremaa','EE','Jõgeva maakond','48445',''),(14309,'Aarne','','Põldvere','Riia mnt 170, Lemmatsi, Ülenurme vald','EE','Tartu maakond','61704',''),(14310,'Riho','','Martinson','Kevade 3','EE','Rakvere','44306',''),(14311,'Alo','','Tänavots','Tamme põik 35-6','EE','Tartu','50416',''),(14312,'Hannes','','Mootse','Kaasiku 20, Ülenurme alevik','EE','Tartu maakond','61714',''),(14313,'Andres','','Sats','Aiandi tee 5-45, Luunja vald','EE','Tartu maakond','62207',''),(14348,'Viljo','','Veesaar','Strandgata 12','NO','Hareid','6060',''),(14362,'Silver','','Kensap','Sireli, Kaerepere küla, Kehtna vald','EE','Rapla maakond','79520',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinventor` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yown` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yown`; CREATE TABLE `yown` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idowner` int(12) NOT NULL, `odowner` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`,`idowner`), KEY `idappli` (`idappli`), KEY `idowner` (`idowner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yown` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yown` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yown` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yown` VALUES ('X553906 ',3387,1),('X553931 ',3521,1),('X553937 ',3534,1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yown` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yowner` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yowner`; CREATE TABLE `yowner` ( `idowner` int(12) NOT NULL, `ntincorp` int(11) NOT NULL, `fnowner` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `midnowner` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmowner` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `orgname` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adowner` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmstate` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idowner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yowner` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yowner` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yowner` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yowner` VALUES (3387,2,'','','','Eesti Maaülikool','Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1a','EE','Tartu','51014',''),(3521,2,'','','','Nordic Automation Systems AS','Strandgata 12','NO','Hareid','6060',''),(3534,2,'','','','Okei Meistrid OÜ','Sireli, Kaerepere küla, Kehtna vald','EE','Rapla maakond','79520',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yowner` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ypct` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ypct`; CREATE TABLE `ypct` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `orictry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nopctep` varchar(13) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `intctry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nopubli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `dtpctpubli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ypct` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypct` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ypct` WRITE; UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypct` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ypriority` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ypriority`; CREATE TABLE `ypriority` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `noprio` varchar(15) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `dtprio` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `odpriority` int(3) default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ypriority` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypriority` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ypriority` WRITE; UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypriority` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yptappli` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yptappli`; CREATE TABLE `yptappli` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `doc-id` varchar(20) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `doc-number-pub` int(12) NOT NULL, `doc-idp` varchar(20) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `doc-number-pubp` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `kind` int(2) NOT NULL, `dtpubli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `extidappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtappli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `title` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `engtitle` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idagent` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yptappli` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yptappli` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yptappli` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yptappli` VALUES ('X553906 ','EE201400011',201400011,'EE05768','05768',2,'20160516','P201400011 ','20140423','Gravitatsiooniline impulssmeetod ja seade liha lõikeenergia määramiseks','Gravitational impulse method and device for estimation meat shear energy',0),('X553931 ','EE201400033',201400033,'','',1,'20160516','P201400033 ','20140823','Pneumotööriista aktiivne kiirliitmik','Active quick release coupling for pneumatic tool',36),('X553937 ','EE201400037',201400037,'','',1,'20160516','P201400037 ','20141025','Seade pindade ühendus- või vahekohtadesse kantava viskoosse ehitusmaterjali silumiseks','Device for smoothing of viscose building material applied to joints or gaps of surfaces',36); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yptappli` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Dumping routines for database 'patent_esp' -- DELIMITER ;; DELIMITER ; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;