-- MySQL dump 10.10 -- -- Host: localhost Database: patent_esp -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.0.24a-community-nt-log /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Current Database: `patent_esp` -- CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `patent_esp` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci */; USE `patent_esp`; -- -- Table structure for table `update5` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `update5`; CREATE TABLE `update5` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtpubli` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `update5` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `update5` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `update5` WRITE; INSERT INTO `update5` VALUES ('X553923','2016-02-15'),('X553924','2016-02-15'),('X553960','2016-02-15'),('X553984','2016-02-15'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `update5` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yabstract` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yabstract`; CREATE TABLE `yabstract` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `txtform` varchar(2000) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `abstract` varchar(2000) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yabstract` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yabstract` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yabstract` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yabstract` VALUES ('X553923 ','Leiutis kuulub teedemasinate valdkonda, täpsemalt puistematerjalide, nagu eri fraktsiooniga killustik, kruus, liiv, freesasfalt, vedamise, laotamise ja tasandamise masinate hulka. Masin kujutab endast poolhaagist, mis ühendatuna sadulautoga moodustab liikurmasina. Masin sisaldab korpust, mille külge on kinnitatud veermik koos sildadega, puistematerjali punkrit, laotus- ja tasandusseadist, tõstemehhanismi, profiilterade seadistamise mehhanismi, laiendusmehhanismi, punkri kaldse tagaseina puhastamise mehhanismi ja tasandustera puhastamise seadist.','The invention belongs among roadworks machinery, more particularly among the equipment for the transportation, spreading and levelling of bulk material, such as crushed stone of different particle sizes, gravel, sand and milled asphalt. This machine is a semitrailer, forming a self-propelled machine when attached to a saddle truck. The machine comprises of a frame that has an undercarriage together with axles fastened to it, a bulk material hopper, a spreading and levelling unit for bulk material spread out, a lifting mechanism for the spreading unit, an adjusting mechanism for profiling blades, an expansion mechanism, a cleaning mechanism for hopper.'),('X553924 ','Leiutis käsitleb meetodit reoveest lämmastiku ja fosfori ärastamist segregeeritud aktiivmuda koosluste abil kaheastmelises biopuhastis, mille kohaselt esimeses astmes viiakse sisenev reovesi (1) kokku aktiivmudasettega (8), väljuv segu (7) suunatakse vahesetitisse (6), millest reostust sisaldav selitatud vesi (10) viiakse teises astmes läbi oksilise tsooni (11) lõppsetitisse (13), milles see separeeritakse aktiivmudasetteks (14) ja selitatud veeks (15), kusjuures aktiivmudasete (14) juhitakse tagasi oksilisse tsooni (11). Uudne on see, et kummaski astmes kasutatakse segregeeritud aktiivmudasid ja nitraate sisaldav selitatud (15) vesi suunatakse (17 või 18) lõppsetitist (13) tagasi anoksilisse tsooni (4), kus viiakse läbi adenosiindifosfaadi konversioon adenosiintrifosfaadiks.','The invention relates to a method of biological removal of nitrogen and phosphor from waste water using segregated activated sludge compounds in a two-stage biological treatment plant, according to which in the first stage the incoming waste water (1) is merged with circulating sludge sediment (8), the resulting mix (7) is directed into intermediate sedimentation basin (6) from where clarified water (10) is led in the second stage through an oxic zone (11) into final sedimentation basin (13) where it is separated into active sludge sediment (14) and clarified water (15), whereas sediment (14) is led back to the oxic zone (11). Novelty lies in the use of segregated activated sludges in both stages and in clarified water (15) containing nitrates being led (17 or 18) from the final sedimentation basin (13) back to the anoxic zone (4), where the conversion of adenosine diphosphate into adenosine triphosphate takes place.'),('X553960 ','Meetod ja seade tugitalla valmistamiseks, kus jalatalla profiil digitaliseeritakse, andmed salvestatakse programmeeritavat juhtseadet sisaldava seadme mäluelementi ja elektroonilisse andmebaasi ning neid andmeid kasutatakse tugitalla valmistamisel selle vormile kuju andmiseks tihvt-maatriksi abil. Programmeeritava juhtseadme tarkvara juhib tihvt-maatriksi tihvtide teljesihilist liigutamist ja salvestatud jalatalla andmetele vastavas asendis lukustamist. Tihvtide liigutamisega moodustatakse tihvtide otstest jalatalla positiivvorm, millele paigutatakse tugitalla toorik ja mõjutatakse seda toorikut vastu tihvt-maatriksit ühtlase survega, mis tekitatakse ala- või ülerõhu abil. Tugitalla toorik isoleeritakse maatriksi tihvtidest täiendava tihvte katva lehekujulise elastse elemendi abil, tugitalla toorikut hoitakse surve all ettenähtud temperatuuril ja toorik vabastatakse surve alt peale jahutamist. Elektroonilisse andmebaasi salvestatud jalatalla profiili andmeid korrigeeritakse programmeeritava juhtseadme abil enne tihvt-maatriksi tihvtide liigutamist jaladefektide ning individuaalsete iseärasuste kompenseerimiseks ning raviks vastavalt meditsiinilistele näidustustele. Tihvtide asendite korrektsioonid ja tihvtide tegelikud asendid salvestatakse ka elektroonilisse andmebaasi.','Method and device for preparation of the arch support where the foot profile is digitalized and saved to an electronic database and the memory device of the control device. The control device is connected to a pin matrix, where each pin is equipped with a linear drive, controllable by this control device. A foot data positive pattern is generated by shifting the pins by the signal of the control device, where the pattern is corrected to compensate the individual foot features and defects and human motion habits. Pins are covered by elastic blank material and their position is carefully controlled so that the ends of the pins with the blank elastic material form a corrected foot undersurface profile. The shoe insert billet is placed on this surface. The whole matrix and billet will be covered by an elastic film, the billet is heated up and vacuum is applied between the pin matrix and covering elastic film, which presses the billet uniformly between the elastic film and elastic blank material taking the shape of the foot pattern formed by the pin matrix.'),('X553984 ','Metallialkoksiide (Ti(OR)x, Zr(OR)x, Si(OR)x, Zr(OR)x ja Hf(OR)x) ning ioonset vedelikku (1-metüülimidasooli ja 3-kloropropüül trietoksüsilaani - MTICI) kasutati stabiilsete homogeensete ionogeelide saamiseks lahuse-geeli meetodi abil. Käesolev leiutis võimaldab esmalt oksiidi nanoosakeste prekursori stabiliseerimist kovalentselt seotud ionogeelis vastavalt prekursori valikule (Si-O-Ti, Si-O-Si, Si-O-Zr või Si-O-Hf), rakendades lahuse-geeli meetodit.','Metal alkoxides (Ti(OR)x, Zr(OR)x, Si(OR)x, Zr(OR)x and Hf(OR)x) and ionic liquid (1-methylimidazole and 3-chloropropyl triethoxysilane -MTICI) were used to obtain stable homogeneous ionogels via the sol-gel approach. At first level this invention allows the precursor of oxide nanoparticles to be stabilized in the form of a covalently bonded ionogel according to the choice of precursor (Si-O-Ti, Si-O-Si, Si-O-Zr or Si-O-Hf) by applying the sol-gel method.'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yabstract` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yagent` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yagent`; CREATE TABLE `yagent` ( `idagent` int(3) NOT NULL, `ctagent` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `fnagent` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmagent` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adagent` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idagent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yagent` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yagent` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yagent` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yagent` VALUES (17,'Danteks OÜ','Jüri','Olt','Keskasula 21, Kuremaa','Jõgeva maakond','48445','EE'),(38,'Sarap ja Putk Patendibüroo','Margus','Sarap','Kompanii 1C','Tartu','51004','EE'); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yagent` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ybdata` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ybdata`; CREATE TABLE `ybdata` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `order` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ybdata` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ybdata` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ybdata` WRITE; INSERT INTO `ybdata` VALUES ('X553923 ',1),('X553924 ',1),('X553960 ',1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ybdata` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yclass` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yclass`; CREATE TABLE `yclass` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtversion` char(6) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `ipcclass` varchar(15) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `symbpos` int(1) default NULL, `tyclassif` int(1) default NULL, `scclassif` int(1) default NULL, `odclass` int(3) default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yclass` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yclass` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yclass` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yclass` VALUES ('X553923','201401','E01C 19/12',1,1,1,1),('X553923','201401','E01C 19/22',1,1,1,2),('X553923','201401','E01C 19/25',1,1,1,3),('X553923','201401','E01C 19/48',1,1,1,4),('X553924','201601','C02F 3/12',1,1,1,1),('X553924','201601','C02F 3/30',2,1,1,2),('X553960','201501','A43B 7/28',1,1,1,1),('X553960','201501','A43D 1/02',2,1,1,2),('X553960','201501','A43D 39/00',2,1,1,3),('X553984','201601','C01B 13/32',1,1,1,1),('X553984','201601','C01G 1/02',2,1,1,2),('X553984','201601','B82Y 30/00',2,1,1,3); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yclass` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yinvent` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yinvent`; CREATE TABLE `yinvent` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idinvent` int(11) NOT NULL, `odinvent` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`,`idinvent`), KEY `idappli` (`idappli`), KEY `idinvent` (`idinvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yinvent` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinvent` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yinvent` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yinvent` VALUES ('X553923 ',13760,2),('X553924 ',14339,1),('X553924 ',14340,2),('X553924 ',14341,3),('X553960 ',14293,1),('X553960 ',14294,2),('X553960 ',14295,3),('X553960 ',14296,4),('X553984 ',7824,10),('X553984 ',14435,1),('X553984 ',14436,2),('X553984 ',14438,6),('X553984 ',14439,7),('X553984 ',14440,9),('X553984 ',14442,11),('X553984 ',14443,5); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinvent` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yinventor` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yinventor`; CREATE TABLE `yinventor` ( `idinvent` int(11) NOT NULL, `fninventor` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `midninventor` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nminventor` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adinventor` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmstate` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idinvent`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yinventor` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinventor` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yinventor` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yinventor` VALUES (7824,'Ants','','Lõhmus','Ümera 6','EE','Tartu','50406 ',''),(13760,'Enn','','Roosi','Pikk 19, Märjamaa','EE','Rapla maakond','78304 ',''),(14293,'Mart','','Tamre','Ehitajate tee 5','EE','Tallinn','19086 ',''),(14294,'Ahti','','Põlder','Ehitajate tee 5','EE','Tallinn','19086 ',''),(14295,'Maido','','Hiiemaa','Ehitajate tee 5','EE','Tallinn','19086 ',''),(14296,'Marko','','Tilk','Türi 10c','EE','Tallinn','11313 ',''),(14339,'Olev','','Sokk','Ehitajate tee 5','EE','Tallinn','19086 ',''),(14340,'Enn','','Loigu','Ehitajate tee 5','EE','Tallinn','19086 ',''),(14341,'Karin','','Pachel','Ehitajate tee 5','EE','Tallinn','19086 ',''),(14435,'Raul','','Välbe','Turu 13-57','EE','Tartu','51004 ',''),(14436,'Rünno','','Lõhmus','Ümera 8','EE','Tartu','50406 ',''),(14438,'Madis','','Umalas','Halinga, Halinga vald','EE','Pärnu maakond','87212 ',''),(14439,'Valter','','Reedo','Nisu 31','EE','Tartu','50407 ',''),(14440,'Marta','','Tarkanovskaja','Narva mnt 25-111','EE','Tartu','51013 ',''),(14442,'Jakob','','Kübarsepp','Rännaku 56','EE','Tallinn','10921 ',''),(14443,'Uno','','Mäeorg','Pärna allee 3-21, Vahi alevik, Tartu vald','EE','Tartu maakond','60534 ',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yinventor` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yown` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yown`; CREATE TABLE `yown` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idowner` int(12) NOT NULL, `odowner` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`,`idowner`), KEY `idappli` (`idappli`), KEY `idowner` (`idowner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yown` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yown` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yown` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yown` VALUES ('X553923 ',3148,2),('X553924 ',328,1),('X553960 ',328,1),('X553960 ',3489,2),('X553984 ',328,2),('X553984 ',334,1),('X553984 ',3567,3); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yown` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yowner` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yowner`; CREATE TABLE `yowner` ( `idowner` int(12) NOT NULL, `ntincorp` int(11) NOT NULL, `fnowner` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `midnowner` varchar(60) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmowner` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `orgname` varchar(120) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `adowner` varchar(240) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmtown` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idtown` varchar(10) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nmstate` varchar(80) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idowner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yowner` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yowner` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yowner` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yowner` VALUES (328,2,'','','','Tallinna Tehnikaülikool','Ehitajate tee 5','EE','Tallinn','19086',''),(334,2,'','','','Tartu Ülikool','Ülikooli 18','EE','Tartu','50090',''),(3148,1,'Enn','','Roosi','','Pikk 19, Märjamaa','EE','Rapla maakond','78304',''),(3489,2,'','','','AS Gadox','Türi 10c','EE','Tallinn','11313',''),(3567,2,'','','','Eesti Nanotehnoloogiate Arenduskeskuse AS','Ravila 14c','EE','Tartu','50411',''); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yowner` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ypct` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ypct`; CREATE TABLE `ypct` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `orictry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nopctep` varchar(13) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `intctry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `nopubli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `dtpctpubli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ypct` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypct` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ypct` WRITE; UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypct` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `ypriority` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ypriority`; CREATE TABLE `ypriority` ( `idappli` char(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `idcountry` varchar(2) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `noprio` varchar(15) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `dtprio` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `odpriority` int(3) default NULL, KEY `idappli` (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `ypriority` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypriority` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `ypriority` WRITE; INSERT INTO `ypriority` VALUES ('X553960','EE','P201400003','20140131',1),('X553984','GB','1410837.7','20140618',1); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ypriority` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Table structure for table `yptappli` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yptappli`; CREATE TABLE `yptappli` ( `idappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `doc-id` varchar(20) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `doc-number-pub` int(12) NOT NULL, `doc-idp` varchar(20) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `doc-number-pubp` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `kind` int(2) NOT NULL, `dtpubli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `extidappli` varchar(12) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `dtappli` varchar(8) collate utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL, `title` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `engtitle` varchar(250) collate utf8_estonian_ci default NULL, `idagent` int(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idappli`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_estonian_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `yptappli` -- /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yptappli` DISABLE KEYS */; LOCK TABLES `yptappli` WRITE; INSERT INTO `yptappli` VALUES ('X553923 ','EE201400026',201400026,'','',1,'20160215','P201400026 ','20140707','Puistematerjali vedamise, laotamise ja tasandamise masin','Machine for transportation, spreading and levelling bulk material',17),('X553924 ','EE201400027',201400027,'','',1,'20160215','P201400027 ','20140709','Meetod reoveest lämmastiku ja fosfori ärastamiseks segregeeritud aktiivmuda koosluste abil kaheastmelises biopuhastis','Method of biological removal of nitrogen and phosphor from waste water using segregated activated sludge compounds in a two-stage biological treatment plant',0),('X553960 ','EE201500004',201500004,'EE05759','05759',2,'20160215','P201500004 ','20150130','Meetod ja seade tugitalla valmistamiseks','Method and device for preparation of the arch support',0),('X553984 ','EE201500022',201500022,'','',1,'20160215','P201500022 ','20150618','Meetod metallioksiidi nanoosakeste valmistamiseks geelis','A method for preparing metal oxide nanoparticles in a gel',38); UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `yptappli` ENABLE KEYS */; -- -- Dumping routines for database 'patent_esp' -- DELIMITER ;; DELIMITER ; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;